May 04, 2011

for all the "Kicking Cancer in the Butt" people...

Yesterday I read a quote on fb that really made me think about life...
All of us have a thousand wishes, to be thinner, to be bigger, to have more money, to drive a cool car, to have a day off, to have a new phone, to date the person of our dreams.
A cancer patient only has one wish, to kick cancer.
  Quote via Denise Evans.
So when a staff member was struck with the sickening and heart breaking news that cancer will soon end his life, the entire school pulled together- to kick cancer in the rear.  We are trying to raise $30,000 to give to the family who will soon- much much too soon- lose a husband, a friend, a chaser away of monsters in the dark, a handyman, a financial establisher, and one great dad.  
Cancer sucks, that's all there is to it.  Part of the fundraiser activity allowed for the students to buy a ticket to place their names into a drawing in super high hopes for the chance to pie a teacher.  The school raised a ton of money doing this.  Perhaps this sends a not so good message about all us teachers.   I volunteered to be pied and here's the result...  Thank you to my iphone this image was captured, and thanks to my iphone this image is blurry.  So it goes.
Mom I promise you succeeded in teaching me the importance of making sure my socks match when I put them on in the morning.  I don't know how I ended up with one pink and one white.  But don't worry, Mr. Herzog said there are at least 30 white socks in the lost and found in the boys' locker room and he can find me a pair that matches.  
I can only imagine how many p.e. kids who hate me for the fact that I make them run one class period each week- cuz heaven forbid we should exercise once in a while- were wishing and dreaming they were this kid at that moment.
The pie rubbing culprit was nice- everyone at school said he was too nice.
Granted I threatened this kid's life, or maybe just his P.E. grade, if he got the idea of rubbing the pie in my face as if I were a baby being lathered with lotion.  I think he comprehended well.
Back to the cancer thing... I don't fully understand the disease- it's too sad to fully comprehend it in my opinion.  I can't imagine being a doctor having to tell an 8 year old girl that she has a brain tumor that is inoperable.  Even more so, I can't imagine having the tables flipped and being the one to hear such news.  This topic and conversation has been discussed multiple times in my health class.  It's a topic where the bell rings too soon and we- for just a small moment- contemplate what it would be like knowing we were living our last days.  Life is much too often taken for granted. Everyone needs to watch an episode of the buried life on MTV.  It puts things such as life into a good perspective.  (I fully understand that the words good and MTV shouldn't be used in the same sentence, but "The Buried Life" is that good, that I am allowed to break the rule of using the two words together.) 
What would you do if you had three months to live?  I would hold on to Caleb and never let go.  
With that being said... if you have nothing to do with your life this Friday night the 6th day of May, come to Roy Jr. (5400 South 2100 West, Roy, UT 84067)  for a spaghetti night (5-8 pm) in the honor of this lovely family.  Plates are just 5 dollars or 20 dollars for a family.  The kids at my school needed so much extra credit that we now have enough spaghetti to feed well over 6.000 people.  So come!!!!  Please and thank you.  And let's all continue to kick cancer in the butt!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's so great to see so many people coming together to support this family! We can't attend the dinner, but I'll talk to you about donating though! I bet you are one of the "dreaded" teachers for making those kids "work"! Exercise is fun - good for you :)