November 15, 2010

It is a Small World After All

Just want to document the ironic-ness of this past weekend.

Situation 1...On Friday night, Caleb and I had an In-n-Out/ game night with our sweet friends Dave and Sarah at their place in Salt Lake.  Throughout the night we were talking about all of our scattered friends and what's going on in everyone's life.  We got the low-down on Brayden and his new fling.  Caleb was quite upset that he had to hear about Brayden's dating situation through the grapevine so he proceeded to text Brayden.  Brayden didn't respond to the text- which I don't blame him because Caleb's initial text wasn't very nice.  Anyways... a few hours later we decided to walk to 7-11 to endulge ourselves in this season's first cup of gas station hot cocoa.  As we were standing outside of 7-11, guess who pulled up... Brayden.  Brayden who we hadn't seen in weeks, who we were just talking about, who lives in Provo, pulled up to a random 7-11 in the middle of downtown SLC at 11:30 at night.  I couldn't stop laughing because the randomness and the timing of the situation.  So crazy. 

Situation 2... On Saturday I went to a bridal shower for one of my besties from college.  I lucked out and had 5 of my 6 classes my last semester with Kristen.  She is so much fun to be around and I look up to her in many ways.  Kristen has told me all about this guy whom she has fallen head over heels for.  It's been a lot of fun to hear all about their love story and this Andrew guy whom I had never actually met- so I thought- just heard lots about.  The bridal shower was so much fun and I love getting together with the "fab five" as Kristen calls us.  Kristen told everyone the very creative and very cute way Andrew proposed.  This guy is such a charmer.  So the night went on and Andrew showed up to the house at the end of the shower.  He walked in and I was caught off guard because I totally know him, but never put the two and two together that Kristen was marrying "that" Andrew- the Andrew who lived next door to Caleb at Raintree.  In fact one of my roommates married one of his roommates.  My apartment was constantly playing pranks on his apartment.  Saran wrap on the toilet, sardines in the celing...  Pretty crazy that here we are four years later and he is marrying Kristen.  Love it!  They are such a cute couple and I couldn't be more excited for them.  I couldn't get over the ironic-ness of this situation and continud to laugh all night.  Especially since the one story I remember Andrew telling was the first story Caleb said when I brought up Andrew's name. 

Situation 3...  After the bridal shower, I called one of my roommates to tell her the crazy story.  It had been quite a while since I talked to Ashley, but I had to call and tell her the craziness of the night because I knew she'd understand the level of craziness.  I talked to Ashley for a few minutes and then our call ended.  60 seconds later I was driving down University Avenue with Caleb and we got stopped at a red light.  I looked over and guess who I saw sitting in the creamery... Yep, Ashley. Here again timing is everything.

Caleb and I have been getting a kick out of these situations because it's so rare that things like this happen, let alone three different situations in just 24 hours.

So for the record I had to write these stories down so we can look back and hopefully laugh some more.


Erin said...

Thats awsome Lauren, you know how to be in the right place at the right time! Cute stories!

amy & zack said...

Lauren I love your blog! Your posts are so fun to read--it makes me miss you! Hope all is well with you guys! Love ya- Amy (Webb) Wester