August 20, 2010

In Love

In love with this little girl that is. And when the opportunity arose to watch her overnight Caleb jumped at it. In fact he was willing to battle against my mom over who was going to take her for the night. He won. Amelia received VIP treatment from the greatest uncle ever. Wow is she loved! After giving her a bath, Caleb painted her toenails and fingernails, fancied her hair, read her a storybook, and rocked her to sleep. They both loved every minute of it, as did I. Lucky am I to be married to this man.

And lucky were we to spend a week on this ship. More about the cruising soon.


Shay said...

Stop posting about how amazing you guys are at being aunts and uncles, we love you so much! Can't wait for cruise pics and details!!!!!

Coil Fam said...

The lucky ones are all the nieces and nephews who have Caleb for their uncle. Your kids will be the best kind of spoiled, much love and attention. Love the ship too. You are smart to take advantage of just being aunt and uncle for awhile, so you can take fun trips. Soon enough you will asking around for babysitters for your babes.

Sophie Weber said...

oh that is adorable!! I love love love it!

Erin said...

Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you for taking Amelia the other night. You have no idea how much that meant to me. I love that she loves you guys so much. I can't get over Caleb painting her nails and toenails. Oh, so cool of him! I am so proud of you guys for taking ALL of our advice and traveling before your own sweet little ones come along! Can't wait to see more pictures of your cruise!

Jessica said...

Hey! I hope you don't mind, I found your blog through Jessie and Danny's...Steve and I were wondering the other day where you guys ended up after Caleb left Orange Soda, so it was fun to find out! I hope you don't mind that I added you to my blog reading list-your blog is so cute! Glad that everything is going well with you guys!