July 30, 2010

so long

Wednesday was bitter-sweet.
We had a party with this gang.

And at the end of the night we had a "see ya later" moment with Elliot and Emily. They are moving clear across the country so Elliot can attend Cornell Law School. Emily and Elliot pretty much became family when Caleb and I lived in Provo- a long with most other people in this picture. We spent many fun nights battling at ticket to ride and settlers. We often talked about how we all met and and how lucky we all are to be such great friends. Suddenly it seems like everyone has grown up- notice the TEN month old cute baby Jessie is holding, yep we're all growing up. Good friends have moved away and we all have to be adults now and live in a grown-up world. Sigh.... Caleb and I feel like these good-byes have been happening more often then we would like and we hope they stop soon! But we do have a lot of great friends who live in really cool places. Maybe one day we can visit everyone.
Billy & MacKenzie Oslund- Dallas
Ben & Katie Holm- Chicago
Danny & Jessie McKinley- Nephi
Elliot & Emily Hales- Ithica (I don't know how to spell that.)
Caleb & Lauren Perkins- Layton...
It has kind of become a joke that everyone moved to these new adventurous places and Caleb and I ended up in Layton. But I'm happy and happy to know that where ever life takes us, we will always have these great friends whom we can remain close with and look forward to the times when we'll be back together!
-Peace and 'oh the places you'll go'.


Jessie said...

lauren i love you girl!! it really was so wonderful seeing you the other night. we need to get together again soon...nephi really isn't that far away! :)

p.s. i'm going to have to steal this picture from your blog! it's a good one!

Erin said...

Good-byes are so hard, but your right, you have a lot of really cool places to visit now. I hope you guys are able to always keep in touch, it looks like such a fun group!

Ehales said...

We really will miss you guys! We already do miss being by all our great friends and we've only been in CO. I think everyone needs to go to NY at some time in their life right? How bout sooner rather than later :)

MacKenzie said...

Ohhh!! Your post made my day! You guys really need to come see us. We would absolutely love that. I can't tell you how much we miss you guys! We just bought bikes the other day so we've been thinking about you quite a bit and wishing you were here to ride with us. :) We'll hook up soon, I promise! Love you guys!!

Katie said...

So since we finally started our blog I had to find yours to add to our list! I read this and thought you should know that Ben and I have talked multiple times about how you guys need to come visit. We were even planning his vacation days and thought we should save a few for if you come out. Needless to say, we miss you guys and their is a guest room calling your name :)

Joni and Rico Adams said...

Hey you! Caleb was talking about your blog yesterday so I looked you up. It was great to see you two last night. Crazy party! :)