August 18, 2009

I'm Officially Mrs. Perkins for 8 hours of the Day!

Yep Mrs. Perkins. I'm still not used to that, I even introduced myself a few times to my students as Lauren. Oops, I'm working on that one. So ready or not, school is here! Tonight was back to school night, and I survived! Wahoo. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I am actually really excited! All I want to do is make a difference. To me, health is life. I hope to teach my students how to make wiser, healthier decisions. I want to help them contemplate the "is it worth it" factor of life. Is it worth it to wear your seatbelt? Is it worth it to get in the car after you had a few drinks? Is it even worth it to drink? Is it worth it to get high? Is it worth it to hang out with that certain group of friends? My classroom, thanks to my bff, is really starting to come a long. I have a before picture, and almost an after picture. Oh and the cute little dancers who think I am some awesome dancer who gets to be their instructor, bless their hearts. They made me nervous because they all probably dance better than I do, but I am choosing to have the Tigger attitude on the situation and make the best. Heck, how lucky am I to have my dream job?! Enough said.

Caleb and I were fortunate to have one last little getaway with his family before the big year starts. We went up to the beautiful Bear Lake to meet his family. We stayed in a condo at ideal beach and had a grand time. Despite the cold weather, and the even colder water, yep it was like winter but in the summer, we did have an ideal time. Thanks to his whole fam for the awesome chit-chats, delicious food, raspberry shakes, fun games, funny jokes, and great memories. (Sarah did you know they make maple syrup?! Ha ha.)

And one more thing. Today in my faculty meeting, Mrs. Ungerman showed this video about Stephen Covey's philosophy of the 90/10 principle. This is exactly what my mom has taught me my whole life. I would recommend watching it. Attitude is powerful and at times it can make or break everything in life!


Shay said...

Good luck La La, or shoudl I say Mrs. Perkins, you are going to do great. I wish so badly that I could be there to come and see your room. Love you.

Anonymous said...

oh how crazy girl. can't believe you are a teacher. i am way excited for you!!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you have a job that you love! You'll be a great teacher because of that! Thanks for the maple syrup reminder - pancakes and waffles are going to taste so much better if I can get some of that stuff :)

Erin said...

Lauren I can't believe that school is already here and YOU are the teacher!! You are going to be the "Cool" teacher in the school. The one that I'm sure a lot of students will be able to relate to truely respecting your opinion and advice. I know you will make a difference in so many students lives. Thats the type of person you are. Go Tigger La La!! All of those hours of Dance Dance revolution are now going to pay off:)

oh and thanks for sharing the video. I loved it!

Anonymous said...

good luck teaching!

i like that video - it's very interesting and true.